Welcome to LocomotiveCMS.
If you're completely new to LocomotiveCMS, we recommend you start by reading about what LocomotiveCMS is and why use it?. You'll also want to read this brief explanation of LocomotiveCMS's two core parts: Engine and Wagon. One final resource for beginners is the LocomotiveCMS 101 guide, a crash course that will quickly bring you up to speed.
When you're ready to start building sites, Install Wagon and head over to the Making a Blog tutorial, a complete guide to developing with LocomotiveCMS. The Making a Blog tutorial assumes you've have either setup an Engine locally or have created a free LocomotiveHosting account.
Once you’ve mastered the basics, you can find step by step guides for specific development tasks in the Guides section. You will also likely want to make heavy use of the Reference section.
For support resources and more from the worldwide LocomotiveCMS community, check out the Community section. When you’re stuck, the Google Group, is the best place to get support for your questions. You can also help out by filing bug reports or making pull requests to our GitHub account.
Thanks for visiting and enjoy developing with LocomotiveCMS!