From LocomotiveEditor to Wagon

Since the LocomotiveCMS Editor became Wagon, you might want to migrate your editors sites to the new Wagon format.

The procedure is not complex but a little hassle. We'll try to release a command line tool to automate the migration.

In this guide, we will create a new wagon project (my_site_wagon) and migrate a locomotive_editor project (my_site_editor). We will consider that both folders are at the same location.

Create a new wagon project

cd ~/workspace
wagon init my_site_wagon
cd my_site_wagon
bundle install

It will create ~/workspace/my_site_wagon.

Edit your new site.yml

Edit config/site.yml to match your site information: title, languages, general meta title and description...

Copy your site content

cd ~/workspace/my_site_wagon
cp -R ../my_site_editor/app/ app/
cp -R ../my_site_editor/public/ public/
cp -R ../my_site_editor/data/ data/
cp ../my_site_editor/config/deploy.yml config/

Adjust all page slugs

If you had pages with underscore slugs like about_us, make sure to replace all underscores with dashes: about-us. Example:

Before -- with underscores

{% extends 'layouts/text_page' %}


After -- with dashes

{% extends 'layouts/text-page' %}


Set your pages header

That's the most boring part... In your editor's site.yml, you need to copy all information about each page and add it in the page header. Example:

  - "index":
      title: "Welcome"
      published: true
      listed: true

In your app/views/pages/index.liquid, add this header before the first line.

title: "Welcome"
published: true
listed: true

Check that you removed indentation.

The pages order are not anymore fixed by the order in site.yml In your header, you can add a the position option to fix the pages order.

title: "Welcome"
published: true
listed: true
position: 1

Please also note that there are small syntax changes in the page header options:

  • model became content_type

Content Types

If you used order_by_direction, rename it to order_direction. Example:

# app/content_types/posts.yml
name: Posts
slug: posts
order_by: date
order_direction: desc

Check that your site now runs with the Wagon webserver

bundle exec wagon serve

Multilingual specific

Wagon changes the way the multilingual page. In the Editor, the pages translations were managed this way (given en was the default language):

+ app/views/pages
    + index.liquid
    + company.liquid
    + company/
        + presentation.liquid
    + fr/
        + index.liquid
        + company/
            + presentation.liquid

In Wagon, this is much more simple (and the default Rails way...): translated liquid templates are in the same directory and contains the locale name.

+ app/views/pages
    + index.liquid
    + company.liquid
    + company/
        + presentation.liquid

So you need to change filenames of templates which are in a secondary language, and move them to the main folder.

If your pages slugs are different in each language, you need to specify the slug option in the templates of the secondary language.

title: "Société"
slug: "societe"
published: true
listed: true
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