

The with_scope tag is used to filter a list of entries. The filter is applied directly to the MongoDB request which makes it very performant.


{% with_scope <field_1>: <value_1>, ... <field_n>: <value_n> %}
{% endwith_scope %}


{% with_scope author: 'John Doe' %}
  {% for post in content_type.posts %}
    {{ post.title }}
  {% endfor %}
{% endwith_scope %}

filtering by a boolean field

{% with_scope active: true %}
  {% paginate content_type.projects by 10 %}
    {% for project in paginate.collection %}
      {{ project.title }}
    {% endfor %}
  {% endpaginate %}
{% endwith_scope %}

filtering by a date

{% with_scope date.gt: today %}
  {% for event in contents.events %}
  {% endfor %}
{%endwith_scope %}

filtering by a date range

{% with_scope posted_at.gte: '2012/01/01', posted_at.lte: '2012/02/1' %}
  {% for post in content_type.posts %}
    {{ post.title }}
  {% endfor %}
{% endwith_scope %}

ordering and filtering

{% with_scope started_at.lte: now, city: params.city, won: false, order_by: 'started_at.desc' %}
  {% assign prize = contents.prizes.first %}
{% endwith_scope %}

filtering by an float

{% with_scope price.lt: 42.0 %}
  {% for product in content_type.products %}
    {{ product.name }}
  {% endfor %}
{% endwith_scope %}

{% with_scope price.lt: params.min_price %}
  {% for product in content_type.products %}
    {{ product.name }}
  {% endfor %}
{% endwith_scope %}

filtering by a category

{% with_scope _slug: "fruits" %}
  {% assign category = contents.categories.first %}
{% endwith_scope%}
  {% for product in category.products %}
  {% endfor %}
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